The Earle Thompson Project aims to find and publish the work of the late genius Yakima poet, Earle Thompson (1950-2006).
If you have unpublished Earle poems or would like to contribute your knowledge about Earle, please contact us.
If you know an Earle friend "Roxie" who may have his last work (working title: "Off the Rez"), prose that was ready for publication in 2006, please ask Roxie to contact us.
If you are a past publisher of Earle's work, please search your archives and contact us. Earle was first published at age 12. He never stopped writing.
We welcome input for a poetry book format to fit Earle's lifework. Current thought is reader discovery of his poems by their time and place. You meet Earle's last work first, his insights about Seattle. Any reader asks "How can a person come see and write this?!" Earle was Native American. Earle's poems answer and your stories can help.
So far we have about 120 poems. Thank you for helping this project, which people from many places and cultures believe is important.

(photo by Brooke Kempner)